by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
I tend to browse lots of places looking for cool fonts that I may never use. (When it comes to typefaces I’m more of a collector than a designer; kind of like having lots of books at home you haven’t yet opened. But I digress.) I’ve just stumbled...
by Liz Gumbinner | Causes and Giving Back
Leave it to NPR and Internet technology to create something as simple and wonderful as Playgrounds for Everyone, a community edited guide helping kids who require handicapped-accessible facilities find them easily. Turns out there actually is no official database like...
by Kate Etue | Websites We Love
Some of our kids are really picky when it comes to books — not too long, not too short, with just the right plot points and character types. Then there are the ones who go through books so quickly that we can barely keep up with suggestions for what they...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Seeing as how we live in an age where everything from Nutella to x has its own national day, I should not be surprised that today is National Moon Day. At least it celebrates something totally real and inspirational, and if it’s marketing anything, it’s...
by Kristen Chase | Entertainment
We’re huge Spotify fans in my home and on the go (in case you were still wondering whether moms actually know how to use Spotify), and now with the big New Spotify announcement yesterday, I’ve suddenly got a few more reasons to love this popular streaming...
by Kristen Chase | Uncategorized
If you spend your work life on your computer or know someone who does, this clever Closed Weekends laptop case is the perfect gift especially since Father’s Day is only about a month away. (Yeah, we can’t believe it either). Or hey, maybe putting it on...
by Christina Refford | Tech Toys
I’m usually hesitant about buying a big, expensive LEGO kit because, after my kids put it together once, then what? Sometimes kids keep playing with it, sometimes it ends up dissembled with random bricks I discover all over the house months later. Which is why...
by Kate Etue | Websites We Love
Lately I’ve gotten sucked into a new website called If It Were My Home, which compares countries around the world to your own hometown, or any other location you designate in their search engine. You’ll get a quick snapshot of all kinds of comparable stats...
by Liz Gumbinner | Fashion + Accessories
Just in time for Mother’s Day, I was absolutely thrilled to discover Zazzy, a new platform that allows you to design 3D jewelry, only they take out all the time-consuming stuff…like downloading sometimes complicated software, figuring out how to use it,...
by Liz Gumbinner | Entertainment
Not all of us will be able to focus on every moment of the red carpet entrances (kids needing dinner), the Oscars monologue (kid needs to use the bathroom), or even the one award you’ve been waiting for all night (kids have to go to bed) but you can get a ton...