by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
One of my kids’ favorite things to do with the iPad is draw. Actually, one of their favorite things to do anywhere is draw. So I am always looking for fun coloring apps that can keep the artistry flowing, and that I find easier to justify than video games. And...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
During these long, unscheduled, fun-in-the-sun summer months, I’ve been on the lookout for some smart apps that keep my kids’ brains thinking and not turning into soft serve. That’s a big reason why I am so excited about this math app which we all...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Most of us know that George Washington was the first president and Al Gore was never one, but there are a whole lot of years in the middle there that are not my strong suit. That’s why I love a new app that helps my kids and me brush up on our U.S. history in an...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Ever since he was a little guy, my six year old has been obsessed with maps, so it was a no-brainer that I’d look for fun apps that capitalize (ha, get it?) on his obsession. What I didn’t expect was to find an app that I’d want to play whenever I...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Educational Apps
This is a sponsored message from DK Publishing It’s an amazing feeling to watch your child develop a love of reading and learning, especially if you’ve always been a bookworm yourself. But if your son or daughter needs a little more coaxing (especially as...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
Oh Appy Day! gives you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. This week, Jessica Seinfeld shares her fave. One of my kids is in a deep obsession with space right now. I didn’t have all the answers, so I found the NASA app, which...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Those of you who are long-time readers of our sister site, Cool Mom Picks, may have heard us rave about Readeez DVDs, which introduce kids to phonics, reading and good music in a way that is fun, playful and effective. Now they have a new downloadable series focusing...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
If I want my kids to celebrate Earth Day every day, it helps if they understand the little issues that all add up to make big changes. In other words: Why I screech when they forget to recycle a piece of paper. (I admit it. I screech.) That’s why I applaud PBS...