by Kristen Chase | Entertainment, Mother's Day Gifts
With all the digital ways you can say “Happy Mother’s Day” to the special mom in your life this Sunday, sending an actual paper card is an extra special treat. And that’s why this card made me laugh. Yes, I love texting and Facetiming as much...
by Kristen Chase | Gear + Hardware
When I read “Designed and made by perfectionists” at FeelFeltLt, I knew I had landed at the right Etsy shop. And when I perused through their selection of wool gadget covers, I knew they weren’t just tooting their own horn. Each gorgeous cover...
by Esther Chen | Uncategorized
This certainly seems to be shaping up to be the week for emoji. First, Apple announces the new diverse emoji coming out soon, and now we’re seeing emoji gifts popping up all over the place. I get it — sometimes that yellow cartoon face perfectly...
by Cool Mom Team | Fashion + Accessories
Wishing you all a wonderful Valentine’s Day with people you love. Maybe you can even unplug a little. Or hey, if the people you love are long distance? Don’t even think about unplugging for one minute. Yay for technology. -Liz, Kristen, and the Cool Mom...
by Kristen Chase | Holiday Picks
It’s true that Tinder has a reputation for being a hook-up app, but hey, people have met on it and fallen in love, or at least, heavy like. And if that’s you, well this Valentine’s Day card is for you Internet lovebirds. This hilarious card is one of...
by Kristen Chase | Holiday Picks
Oh my geeky friends, not just any old holiday card will do, especially if you’re taking the time to write it, stamp it, and send it in the actual mail, which is why I had to share these 3 geeky holiday cards I found that gave me a much-needed giggle. Even...
by Nicole Blades | Photography
The photographers in our lives are always trying to capture the fun, inspired, beautiful, worth-a-thousand-words moments. So, this holiday, what do you get the brilliant photographer in your life to let them know you’d like them to keep up the good work?...
by Kristen Chase | Fashion + Accessories
If you’ve got someone on your holiday shopping list that just can’t live without emoji, I’m pretty sure these emoji gifts will get you a fist bump and a round of applause. Ever since I updated my iPhone to iOS8, I jumped on the emoji train and I...
by Liz Gumbinner | Life and Home
If you’re looking for a super cool geek gift, well, we tend to have plenty around here. And now I’ve found one more, with the incredibly creative vintage patent art from RetroFoto on Etsy. The vintage camera patent drawings are just such an awesome thing...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
If like me, your desk is starting to become a tangle of devices and cords and accessories, you’ll get the genius of the iSkelter SlatePro Personal Tech Desk right away. Especially now that it’s on sale. Handmade in Arizona from premium bamboo with steel...