by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
If you could see how bananas my grade-school-age kids just went over an “alphabet app,” you might think they were watching some ridiculous YouTube video. Surely an eight and ten year old couldn’t be hysterically laughing while playing an app whose...
by Stephanie Mayers | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Watching my daughter have to think hard while she is playing with an educational app makes me smile big. And being able to finally take advantage of the booming educational app market is a joy when presented with some of the amazing options out there. Our newest...
by Shari | Best Apps, Educational Apps
“A wonderful app! It’s better than rap! ‘If I Ran the Circus’ makes me smile like a sap!” Um… sorry. There’s just something about announcing a new Seuss app that forces me to rhyme, albeit badly. We’ve talked at length...
by Liz Gumbinner | Life and Home
I just got a bunk bed for my kids and was trying to figure out a good clip-on reading light that could just clip onto the sides of the bed. Have you come across anything like that? Thanks! -Maryann Funny enough Maryann, I could have written this question myself about...
by Cool Mom Team | Websites We Love
If you loved the cool notebooks we highlighted last week as part of our 3 Springpad Notebooks that you’re going to love series, then hold onto your hats. We’ve put together more awesome smart notebooks that showcase how powerful this website and free...
by Shari | Best Apps, Educational Apps
You haven’t lived until you’ve seen a video of your head superimposed on the body of an elf, dancing in a winter wonderland. Such is the magic of Elf Yourself by the hilarious company JibJab, a.k.a. the Spiridelli brothers. Now that the brothers are also...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
As a mom of a child with a learning disability in reading, technology has been a huge help. But most of the reading apps out there are geared toward young children who are learning to read, not 9 year olds. I just stumbled across the Whispersync and Immersion Reading...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
I love sharing old storybooks I’ve saved from my childhood, though brittle bindings and fragile pages mean it’s definitely a “look but don’t touch” type of story time. But in the case of this charming one-hundred year old, new-to-me...
by Pilar | Best Apps, Educational Apps
When I was a kid, I loved Reading Rainbow. The show promoted reading, and was right up there on my list of faves with Mister Rogers and Sesame Street. If you’re not old enough to recognize two out of those three titles, please don’t tell me. However I...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps, Educational Apps
I am a serious Oz fanatic. As in, I read every one of the L. Frank Baum books as a child and now I’m introducing them to my girls. Not that there’s anything wrong with MGM’s technicolor version–should you be okay with the silver shoes becoming...