by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
I’m a card-carrying member of the Google frequent searchers club, whether it’s odd cold symptoms or Ryan Reynolds photos. (Heh.). But little did I know that Google can do a whole lot more than just random searches. Here are four cool Google tricks that can...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
I am on Twitter a lot. A lot. And while I really do adore all the feeds that I follow, every so often there’s an event or a “Twitter party” of some sort that’s cluttering up my stream and I want to filter it out. Fortunately, TweetDeck offers a...
by Cool Mom Team | Fitness + Health
About five months after having my third child, I had to wear a strapless bridesmaid’s dress to my sister-in-law’s wedding. With more than 40 pounds of my baby weight still to lose, I decided that was enough motivation to whip myself into shape. I lost...
by Mir | Websites We Love
Are you spending every visit home showing your dad how to turn the computer on… again? Fielding frantic phone calls from your mother about how her monitor is “broken,” when it turns out it’s just sleeping? Then you’re going to love...
by Christina Refford | Websites We Love
There is so much cool stuff being shared on social media sites, there’s no way any of us could ever keep up with it, especially if we want to do things like eat, play with the kids, or leave the house. But I’ve just stumbled upon a new site that pulls the...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
I never actually realized how much I relied on my print-scan- fax trifecta of printer features until the thing bit the dust a few months ago. Since then, I’ve been begging neighbors to scan docs for me, and hitting the local office stores to fax. Hello, pricey....
by Jeana | Websites We Love
Now with movies on demand through my cable provider, streaming movies through Amazon, loads of options from Netflix, Hulu, and a slew of other video services, the choice between watching a new release at home versus in a theater with a loud popcorn-eater behind me and...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
We’re thrilled to welcome Chicago-based dad Caleb Gardner as our guest Dads Dig This blogger. He writes about trying to be a good example for his son at The Exceptional Man. I read a lot of online media on any given day. A lot. But let’s face it: most...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
With spring officially here in the Deep South, I’m determined to do a massive spring cleaning before the end of the week. And that includes my computer, which definitely needs a little TLC. So while I’m dusting the blinds and washing the windows,...
by Cool Mom Team | Holiday Tech Gifts
If you were lucky enough to score a Best Buy gift card from Santa, or just want to get a jump start on your New Year’s resolutions, our co-founder Kristen, along with a Best Buy Geek Squad agent, can help you out. Check out this video in which she reveals all...