by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
We just realized that we lost an iPad. What are some safety steps I need to take now? Change my email and iTunes passwords? What else? -Megan Oh no, Megan! So sorry to hear that you’ve lost your iPad, though you’re not alone. First off, be sure to report...
by Julie | Tips and Tricks
Yesterday, Apple announced its newest gadgets, and of course we were watching closely–as anyone who follows Cool Mom Tech on Twitter knows. While there weren’t many big surprises, the news was definitely cool, even if not all of it is exactly right for...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
If you’re big Twitter users like we are, then you know that currently, you can’t send DMs to people who aren’t following you–a feature we actually really like. Beause it means you can’t get DMs from random people either. Well that’s...
by Julie | Tips and Tricks
Hi Cool Mom Tech! A few months back you recommended an app where parents could save or store specific videos. This was to ensure kids using iPads wouldn’t stumble onto questionable material on YouTube. I feel like “Tube” was the last part of the app...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
It seems like Facebook privacy setting has gone from something we talk about once in a while, to something we’re trying to keep up with on a monthly basis as new changes are rolled out more frequently. And now–surprise–there’s a new one. Last...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
One of the most frequently asked questions we get here on Cool Mom Tech is how to take a screenshot. Before you feel silly asking the same question, you should know that it’s a common one, and not necessarily as simple as it sounds. Here, easy instructions for...
by Julie | Tips and Tricks
A few of us at Cool Mom Tech have downloaded the new iOS 7, and as promised, spent some time with it to really give you our assessment. The truth is, the reviews here are mixed, and we’ve seen similar assessments on social media and tech websites. So while there...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
If like us, your kids have a ton of video game cartridges and discs because you haven’t entirely made the move to digital downloads, storing them can be tough. I don’t have a game room, and I don’t necessarily want to look at 4 media shelves or giant...
by Julie | Tips and Tricks
Now that we’ve had a day to process Apple’s launch of the iPhone 5C and 5S, naturally the Internet has a lot to say about both of these new gadgets. So we’ve rounded up some of the feedback here for those of you thinking of upgrading. Some of it is...
by Julie | Tips and Tricks
We’ve been closely following the anticipated updates to the iPhone, and today we learned about them in detail with Apple’s launch, as expected, of the brand new iPhone 5C, iPhone 5S, and iOS 7. (Whoo!) Here’s the scoop on what’s new, what these...
by Jeana | Tips and Tricks
I read your post on removing your information from Spokeo and have a question: How often do you need to go there and remove yourself? Also, is anyone doing anything to protect citizens’ privacy? Displaying this information without an individual’s consent...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Our regular readers may notice that we don’t tend to feature apps for babies and toddlers on Cool Mom Tech. Last night, our editor-in-chief Liz Gumbinner explained why, as she joined a smart panel on HuffPost Live to talk about apps for babies, and the...