An app to put the kibosh on texting and driving.

An app to put the kibosh on texting and driving.

We all know that texting and driving don’t mix. But whether we don’t trust our text-loving teen–or even ourselves when we hear the joyous ding of a new message on our phone–this genius app has a very clever solution. (And hint, hint: It’s...
TV Anytime app is a parent’s road trip savior

TV Anytime app is a parent’s road trip savior

Picture this – you’re into hour two of your long road trip to the inlaws, only to discover that you left your DVD player with Cars 2 on the kitchen counter. All those painful whines could have been averted if you had the TV Anytime app. TV Anytime is a...
Fab app gets a makeover

Fab app gets a makeover

If you’re a lover like we all are, you’re probably already making good use of their fabulous app every morning at 11 AM Eastern when you’re away from the computer. So we’re happy to see the Fab app has just been updated with some key...
The best list-making apps? Reader Q+A

The best list-making apps? Reader Q+A

I used to use my Netflix queue to keep the list of movies I’d missed, shows I wanted to watch on DVD, etc., but now I’m not sure where to manage this stuff since we canceled our subscription. Is there a way for me to organize my lists for easy access?...
The best apps for more sane holiday travel

The best apps for more sane holiday travel

Seeing family and friends over the holiday break is wonderful way to round out the year, but sometimes getting to where you need to be involves traffic jams, travel headaches and long delays in airports with really bad food courts. No thanks, Santa. With technology by...
Take the subway. Take the bus. Take the stroller?

Take the subway. Take the bus. Take the stroller?

We already think HopStop is a lifesaver for city-dwellers and city-goers. HopStop helps you navigate 62 major cities using detailed directions that walk you through one public transit system to the next. We even love that their directions conveniently tell how much...
5 cool apps to help with Thanksgiving

5 cool apps to help with Thanksgiving

Even though I’m not cooking the turkey this year (hooray, hallelujah, amen!), I’m preparing a few side dishes and desserts. And because I’m not necessarily known for my kitchen skills, you can bet I’m going to be relying heavily on my smart...