by Kristen Chase | Best Apps
As a music buff, I was an early adopter of the Shazam app, which allows you to easily identify song titles and artists just by holding up your phone to the music. But for tonight’s Super Bowl, you can actually use the Shazam app to do a whole lot more, like...
by Jeana | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Our readers often ask us to suggest more kids’ apps beyond iOS, and while we do cover the great Android apps we find, there’s certainly a discrepancy in both quantity and quality when compared to what’s available for iOS. Well Android users, I think...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
Even though I’m not cooking the turkey this year (hooray, hallelujah, amen!), I’m preparing a few side dishes and desserts. And because I’m not necessarily known for my kitchen skills, you can bet I’m going to be relying heavily on my smart...