by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
We are always looking for ways that we can live a greener lifestyle with our families, but trust us, we know how overwhelming it can be. As we’ve discovered over the years, it’s the small things that can really add up — in effort and attention...
by Kate Etue | Life and Home
Anyone who’s been through childproofing knows that outlet covers leave much to be desired. In fact, outlets in general leave a much to be desired. And so the makers of the LivingPlug’s INLET came up with a clever way to change that, as you might have...
by Cool Mom Team | Gear + Hardware, Life and Home
If you’re redecorating, considering redecorating, or have even once had a vague dream about redecorating that you kind of remembered in the morning, it’s a pretty exciting time to roll up your sleeves get it done. Especially considering all the tech...
by Kate Etue | Life and Home
Wow, now here are three new light bulb innovations for the home that Thomas Edison never dreamed would exist. Mainly because he didn’t have a smart phone. Which he probably didn’t dream about either. Lumen TL800 First check out the Lumen TL800 (above)...
by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
Everyone know knows the benefits of compact fluorescent light bulbs–longer burn time, less energy costs, more effeciency. But now with increasing concern about UV radiation and mercury emissions–especially when they break–and so I’m beyond...
by Cool Mom Team | Life and Home
There’s been so much buzz about the Belkin WeMo since its launch last year, and it’s not surprising: this genius eco-friendly device saves you money, electricity, and even a little sanity if, like me, you’re the type who panics that you left the...
by Delilah S. Dawson | Life and Home
Just when we’re getting used to the idea that your smartphones can control your sound system, Friedrich has now invented a space-age air conditioner that you can control remotely with your smartphone, computer, or tablet.Pretty cool, right? From Belkin’s...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
I do my best to remember to unplug my appliances, but boy does those cords wreak havoc on my counters. That’s why I’m tempted to snatch up one of these handy little gadgets for every outlet in my house. The Plug Out outlet organizer is simple,...