by Liz Gumbinner | Uncategorized
No sooner is the Apple Watch announced, that new Apple Watch accessories are starting to roll in. Starting with the handsome Apple Watch charging stand from our friends at DODOcase. In fact it’s so beautiful, it kind of makes me want the watch even more. Like...
by Kristen Chase | Tech Toys
We’ve featured all sorts of cool USB drives here on Cool Mom Tech, from stylish USB necklaces to personalized flash drives, even vintage toy usb drives, but these lipstick flash drives from PointsAndPlaces on Etsy take the face. Er, cake. Crafted by Toronto...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
As fans of the planet–and yeah, humanity in general–we’re always looking for ways to live more sustainably and to help our kids be more aware of it too. And as we’ve all discovered over the years, it doesn’t have to be about massive life...
by Julie | Gear + Hardware, Travel
Having recently returned from an awesome family camping trip, I was surprised to find how helpful tech could be — even on a trip that was as tech-free as we could make it. Turns out that some technology, when chosen wisely, can make getting in touch with nature...
by Nicole Blades | Uncategorized
The idea makes perfect sense: a portable, high performance solar charger for my smart devices that — best part — is actually compact enough to carry around. That’s the gist behind the Solarpod Buddy solar charger. It sounds kind of new-age and...
by Kate Etue | Gear + Hardware
We’ve covered a lot of audio speakers here over the years, but none have been quite like the exquisite custom built speakers made from vintage luggage by Case of Bass. (Not to be confused with Ace of Base which you may or may not want in your home.) I mean,...