Board games go 2.0 with Winter Land

Board games go 2.0 with Winter Land

Before the kids go to bed and Santa’s elves get busy wrapping gifts, we spend Christmas Eve drinking egg nog, playing games, and watching movies with the kids. But now that we have the iPad, we’ll probably add a round or two of a digital board game into...
Dads Dig This – BeSpeak iPhone app

Dads Dig This – BeSpeak iPhone app

Our next Dads Dig This guest blogger is David Wescott, a Durham, NC-based dad who writes about public relations, science communication, and politics at It’s Not a Lecture.  I admit that most of the time you can find me in worn jeans and something with a Red...
5 of our favorite designer sale site apps

5 of our favorite designer sale site apps

Ever tried to go clothes shopping for yourself with kid(s) in tow? Between toting a toddler while carrying unwieldy hangers, and then attempting to catch a mannequin in mid-air because your little one has pulled its skirt down therefore making it fall over (yes, it...
The cat in the app

The cat in the app

For the past few months, my kids have been obsessed with the Talking Tom Cat app that has them yelling, singing and — yes — screaming at a cat who then repeats everything back to them in his own weird voice. Harmless fun but no redeeming educational value....