by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
As a Brooklyn resident who falls squarely within the lucky Brooklyn-Manhattan delivery area for the new Amazon Prime Now app (iOS and Android) I downloaded it stat. It is a genius premise, functioning essentially like a Fresh Direct kind of service–the other...
by Nicole Blades | Best Apps
With National Coffee Day just behind us, there’s been a whole lot of buzz about buzz lately. And if there’s one thing I learned about people who drink coffee, it’s this: don’t mess with their java. They like it how they like it, and they like...
by Stacie Billis | Best Apps
Though I live in New York City, with its world-class public transportation system (mostly), I must admit that I’m more of a car person which means I drive, I taxi, I Uber and now I uberFAMILY. And I bet lots of other parents will too, considering their smart new...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
For the past few weeks, New York City has been awash in giant Easter eggs, in a brilliant (if a little time-consuming for me) social-media-meets-installation-art campaign for Fabergé called The Big Egg Hunt. It brought eager New Yorkers and tourists alike scavenging...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
Every Saturday morning, I wake up and check the website Mommy Poppins to see what’s going on in New York City with kids. So do tens of thousands of other parents; so it made perfect sense that they would convert all those great listings and parent-approved ideas...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tips and Tricks
I figured the big news about ATT’s free mobile charging station program would be taking place somewhere like San Francisco or Portland or Austin. But nope, NY mamas like me–and those who visit our fair northeastern hamlet–are in luck when their phone...