by Julie | Babies, Best Apps
I always love seeing new tech that really benefits parents, and super smart newborn apps are one of those awesome advances I wish had been around 12 years ago when I was getting ready to welcome my first baby. Just out yesterday, the Baby Bundle app is the latest...
by Kristen Chase | Gear + Hardware
With the huge popularity of wearable tech and smartwatches, it’s no surprise that Google is leading the fray with Android Wear which they just announced today. And from I can tell, it’s worth getting excited about. Along with allowing the Android Wear user...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
Last night I was thrilled to join founder Anna Fader in celebrating the anniversary of Mommy Poppins, her terrific regional website network for parents looking for the best stuff to do with their kids. They’ve now been saving families (like mine) every weekend...
by Kristen Chase | Internet Safety
As familiar as I am with Internet ads, it’s easy for me to forget that my kids do not, which is especially important now that my two oldest children are using the computer on a daily basis. Not matter how tech-savvy your kids are, this awesome kid’s guide...
by Julie | Fitness + Health
Bicycle reflectors and reflective strips on athletic clothing are only visible with a light source, like a car’s headlights. So the scary truth is that when your reflective gear is visible, you’re probably in the path of a car. The Halo Belt is the...
by Kate Etue | Uncategorized
Confession: I spend way too much time trying to figure out where my keys, purse, and um, even my dog have gone at times, so am curious about all the tracking devices out there now. It’s one of the most frustrating feelings to not know where something is when you...
by Kate Etue | Uncategorized
The new site Cricket’s Circle is out to clear things up for new parents. And we get it; accurate baby registry help is hard to come by and it’s hard to figure out exactly what to include in yours. In fact, it can be one of the most confusing parts of being...
by Jeana | Websites We Love
You’d think that when baby #3 came along, parenting would be old hat. But…nope. Forgot everything. Rather than comb the Internet for hundreds of different solutions (and I use that term loosely) it’s nice to know that expert advice from a live person...
by Kristin | Internet Safety
We finally decided to give our sixth grader a smart phone. And while I think the good has outweighed the bad so far, I really wasn’t prepared for how complicated things would get — and how quickly it would happen. So I can see why implementing social media...