by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
With the tremendous success of the Frozen movie, it’s no surprise that the massive Disney merchandising arm has included an app to go with it: The Frozen Free Fall game. If you’re tired of your kids stealing your Candy Crush app (that’s...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
Ever have that situation where you don’t want to type a text and it would be easier to just leave a voicemail, but you don’t exactly want to have to make a phone call either? (I know, we’re so spoiled in this digital age). Well, here’s the app...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
Ever since my son learned his five multiplication tables before he could even write his numbers correctly (thanks Schoolhouse Rock!), I’ve found that math is one of those subjects that doesn’t necessarily need to be taught in any cut-and-dried order....
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
Q: You keep posting all these awesome must-have apps, but what about for those of us who have Windows phones? I am looking for a photo app. Do you know of any that are worth getting? Right now I just send all my pictures to Facebook, which is annoying because then I...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
This past weekend, I got through four fun-filled days at Disney World and emerged relatively unscathed from the perils of long lines and the whining that ensues on them. In part I have to thank the temperate weather, but I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the free...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors' Picks of the Year
Here, our favorite tech gadgets and apps of the year that to us, are like having another arm. Sometimes we busy moms appreciate productivity-enhancing technology as much as a few hours of extra sleep. iPhone 4SLiz: While of course I put put my iPhone 4S in about every...
by Julie | Fitness + Health
I’ve got a confession to make: I hate running. Okay, “hate” is probably too severe considering that I just ran a 10K last Monday (go me!), but I don’t run for fun. That said, I’ve found a few awesome apps that have made running a lot more...