Crayola goes high tech with ColorStudio HD

Crayola goes high tech with ColorStudio HD

One of my kids’ favorite things to do with the iPad is draw. Actually, one of their favorite things to do anywhere is draw. So I am always looking for fun coloring apps that can keep the artistry flowing, and that I find easier to justify than video games. And...
Smoothies, Martha Stewart style

Smoothies, Martha Stewart style

This holiday season, my family enjoyed the spoils from my experimentation with the very cool Martha Stewart Makes Cookies iPad app, so you can imagine how excited they were when I decided to give her new smoothies app a try, just in time for fresh fruit season. Not...
Let Roger Ebert pick your date night movie

Let Roger Ebert pick your date night movie

Every month, my husband and I comb through Netflix and try to figure out what to put in our queue. We generally give up and just end up putting in something for the kids. But since finding this new app, I’ve already got a slew of awesome picks, all recommended...
Peel personalizes your TV watching experience

Peel personalizes your TV watching experience

When I was younger, I was only allowed to watch TV on the weekends. I remember scouring the TV Guide that came with the Sunday paper and figuring out which shows I’d watch that week. Boy, have times changed. Peel is a free iOS app that is a virtual TV guide on...