Wurm with that Apple?

Wurm with that Apple?

I find that with kids and apps, sometimes simple is best. Such is the case with a funky, fun, creative iPad drawing experience known as Wurm Junior. A tot-targeted spinoff of the very cool original Wurm app, the Wurn Junior App is a creativity-inspiring drawing...
One app two app Seuss app new app

One app two app Seuss app new app

What parent among us has not relied on the genius of Dr. Seuss to keep our kids entertained with his wacky rhymes and memorable verses? When my kids were younger, I would literally walk around with sentences in my head like, “wet foot, dry foot, low foot, high...
Move over Eloise, Sophie and the City is here.

Move over Eloise, Sophie and the City is here.

First-time author Kelly Florio Kasouf penned a chic and whimsical children’s book, The Super Adventures of Sophie and the City, that caught the hearts and minds of New York’s fashion elite. Why? Kasouf’s actual dad is Steve Florio, the former...
Gube: Like YouTube. Except safe for kids.

Gube: Like YouTube. Except safe for kids.

Justin Timberlake dressed as a cup of soup. Michael Bolton vamping as Captain Jack Sparrow. Both are a YouTube hoot. The idea of my kids coming across either one while clicking through to what they think might be age appropriate is not. Enter Gube. Think of it as...
Butt Art a mom can approve of

Butt Art a mom can approve of

I don’t know what my kids like more–playing with this new CMP fave book-turned-app, or hearing me say, “Here, kids. First draw a butt.” From the people who brought us the wonderful Everything Butt Art book comes the brand new, just launching...