by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
Yes, we all make New Year’s Resolutions to eat better and work out more and blah blah blah. Cue the leftover cheesecake entering my mouth at 10AM on January 1. But if you’re online at all (hi there) I’ve put together a few tech resolutions you should...
by Jeana | Gear + Hardware
There’s been a lot of chatter about the brand new Windows Phone 8, Microsoft’s latest offering. It features a very sleek design and layout, including the new Windows 8 operating system, but still has to compete against a huge contingent of existing iOS and...
by Shari | Websites We Love
I had one of those moments recently that falls squarely into the category of “modern life.” I was looking for a photograph of my kids that I could visualize in my mind, but couldn’t remember if it was on my phone camera, camera-camera, iPad,...
by Cool Mom Team | Uncategorized
If there’s a designer who has this tech thing down, it has to be Marc Jacobs, whose Marc by Marc Jacobs tech accessories are at the top of my list. This season, he’s launched an adorable line of animal iPhone cases that are sure to make your favorite tween...
by Cool Mom Team | Tech Toys
It wasn’t all that long ago that Uglydolls hit the world (and my kids’ bedroom) by storm, and now they’ve totally made the leap from crib to computer. The new Uglydoll jump drives by Mimoco just launched as part of their indie artist series, and I...
by Jeana | Websites We Love
With a new online address management system called conXt, I made be able to solve this problem. ConXt makes it easy to organize contact information in one place on the web. You start by signing up for a free account and then can import contact information...
by Stephanie Mayers | Random Coolness
You may recall our raves about the brilliance of Livescribe’s fancy Echo smartpen. Just when we thought the bar had been set on the techy coolness factor from this clever company, they come up with a nifty new trick to blow our minds. Meet the sound sticker....
by Cool Mom Team | Back to School Tech
Our tweens and teens heading back to school aren’t satisfied with cute erasers and personalized pencils anymore. They want tech! Aside from all those tablets and phones and laptops they’ve got 400 good reasons they need, here are a few little doodads to...
by Eva Glettner | Tech Toys
I love mix tapes. When I was younger, I owned one of those super cool boom boxes with two cassette decks for optimum recording prowess. I would painstakingly plan out each song based on theme, and then make sure that there was just enough time between songs. It took...