by Nicole Blades | Tips and Tricks
Sure, Spring Break is cool when you and the family are jetting off somewhere fun, but what about those of us who decide to stay close to home? Are we not entitled to enjoy some rollin’ good times, too? Short answer: Yes! Indeed, we are. So I’ve put...
by Cool Mom Team | Tips and Tricks
If you have a teen in your household, as some of us do, you’ll know that their math homework is getting much more challenging and sometimes (we’ll admit it) frustrating. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways for making math fun in really...
by Kate Etue | Best Apps, Educational Apps
There’s a new obsession in my house: trivia apps. We’re battling for bragging rights over questions like, What was the real name of novelist George Orwell? Or, What color is young Anna’s nightgown in Frozen?Frankly, I think it’s perfectly fair...
by Nicole Blades | Tips and Tricks
In addition to fun-sized everything, one of the best parts of Halloween is seeing all of the adorable (adoraboo?) photos of people’s kids in costume. Some of you are so clever with these costume ideas you dream up for your kids! We wanted to help you show off...
by Liz Gumbinner | Tech Toys
If you’re looking for the spendy kids’ holiday gift of the season (and I know, I can’t believe I’m thinking about this already either) I think I’ve found it in the new Razor Deluxe Crazy Cart ride-on car. I spent a few minutes tearing...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
It’s hard to believe that when our first children were born, capturing them on video meant getting out a clunky camera, hoping the batteries were good and that the card still had some memory left, then finding the right cords to connect it to a computer so we...
by Nicole Blades | Best Apps
When it comes to apps, we’re all about finding the newest and coolest ones that help the busy family machine run a little smoother. And as we ramp up to back-to-school season, life is probably about to get even more hectic. Oh forget probably. It is! So, how are...
by Kristen Chase | Tips and Tricks
I have to say that I have mastered the art of a good selfie, as you might be able to tell from my Instagram feed, but I’m getting especially good at taking a selfie with kids. Because let’s be honest, it’s the only way I’ll actually make it in...
by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps
Last night I was thrilled to join founder Anna Fader in celebrating the anniversary of Mommy Poppins, her terrific regional website network for parents looking for the best stuff to do with their kids. They’ve now been saving families (like mine) every weekend...