by Delilah S. Dawson | Random Coolness
Ah, the 1980s. Video games like Donkey Kong were new and exciting… and dominated by dudes. The only women around were damsels in distress, waiting to be saved. That is, until one little girl’s dad got involved. Three-year-old Ellis had played as Princess...
by Cool Mom Team | Games + Gaming
When my second grader asked me to join her to play a new video game that Daddy had downloaded for PS3, I figured I’d humor her for a few minutes. Little did I know that two hours later I would still be playing–and wrestling to pull myself away. Welcome to...
by Cool Mom Team | Best Apps
When you hand your precious iPhone or iPad over to someone who still eats Play-Doh, it’s a fair bet that he may delete your favorite game or take 100 photos by accident–unless you give him something he can play with on his own. We all know about apps...
by Jeana | Websites We Love
If you haven’t already heard, Disney Infinity is launching this summer. No, it’s not the next installment of Toy Story (to infinity and beyond!), but rather a completely new gaming platform that will use cool Disney figurines to launch their digital...
by Cool Mom Team | Link Roundups
If you’re obsessed with Pinterest as we are, follow us, and make sure to check out our favorite techie pins from this week! 1. Quite possibly our favorite drawing app for kids. Even better, it’s free! 2. A bookworm’s dream gadget3. If you...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors' Picks of the Year
This was probably one of the biggest years for kids’ gadgets, but we definitely had our top favorites, and ones that we’d want in our own kids’ hands. Kristen Nabi 2 With so many kids’ tablets on the markets, I’m going to have to...
by Cool Mom Team | Editors' Picks of the Year
The older our kids get, the more picky they get about their apps. For kids in the 7 and up range, we love these Android and iOS apps for their ability to keep fickle kids engaged with a minimum of the gunplay and stuff parents get squidgy about. FOR IOS Liz: Geography...
by Cool Mom Team | Games + Gaming
With so many gaming systems on the market, it can be tough to know which one is the best for your family. Next up in our series of buying guides we focus on handheld video gaming devices. I know my kids aren’t the only ones with some sort of gaming device on...
by Cool Mom Team | Holiday Tech Gifts
We’re so excited to present the first in our Holiday Tech Gifts series! Starting with . . . cool games and tech toys for the kids. Yeah, we know that big kids and teens probably want shoot-em-up games for their consoles but hey, we’re still moms. So here,...
by Eva Glettner | Best Apps, Educational Apps
A lot of readers ask us about great math apps for kids. (Cut The Rope only counts sort of) I’ve found a great one that’s equal parts science lesson and math course with a sprinkling of cool graphics thrown in for good measure. My kids are digging this...