

As a self-proclaimed iPhoneographer, I use my iPhone 4 camera for everything. Even editing, which is a far cry from anything I used to do with a point and shoot. And since discovering this fantastic app, I’m able to turn my regular old photos into funky...
Go back in time with a Photojojo Time Capsule

Go back in time with a Photojojo Time Capsule

While I’m pretty proud of myself for actually getting my photos uploaded to Flickr, I tend to just let them sit there collecting digital dust. But now with this cool new service from Photojojo, I can get my old photos sent to my inbox every month as a fun,...
Postcardly turns emails into actual postcards.

Postcardly turns emails into actual postcards.

My kids have wonderful grandparents in Florida, but they have one major flaw: None of them will make my life easier by joining Facebook or even using email to communicate. That means I have to make sure to send hand-written letters and take the time to actually print...
Okay, ladies. Who needs an Epiphanie?

Okay, ladies. Who needs an Epiphanie?

You don’t have to go to an ashram or take up Bikram yoga for this sort of Epiphanie, the hottest camera/gadget bag of the year. All you have to do is be a Cool Mom Tech subscriber and invite three friends who would enjoy all the techy goodness in their inboxes,...