by Liz Gumbinner | Best Apps, Educational Apps
There are so many cool educational channels on YouTube for tweens and teens, but I don’t think that a lot of parents think to open our YouTube app when we look for educational resources for our kids. But we should. Let’s put it this way: when I ask my kids...
by Kristen Chase | Websites We Love
I was so thrilled to discover this resource guide from the Library of Congress that’s full of a variety of primary source materials that document the U.S. Presidential Inaugurations through our country’s history. It’s such a fantastic wealth of...
by Kristen Chase | Uncategorized
I am fortunate that my grandmother was a writer, so she took it upon herself to write all her amazing life story down for us before she passed away. Even so, I would have loved to have had StoryWorth, a service that helps you capture your loved ones’ stories and...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
My kids get really excited about President’s Day because it means a day off from school. But I’d like to make sure that they spend a little bit of time reflecting on our former presidents too, so I love an app that helps with just that. Presidents vs....
by Liz Gumbinner | Websites We Love
One thing that’s become abundantly clear to me after a year of following Black Lives Matter tweets and listening more closely to what people of color have to say about their own heroes and history without media spin, is that a lot of us have only grasped a very...
by Liz Gumbinner | DIY, Holiday Picks
Recently, we were thrilled to find Take Back Halloween, an amazing site for women (and girls) hoping for a few more Halloween costume options besides “sexy nurse.” Or sexy anything, really. I loved seeing this Ada Lovelace costume which isn’t...
by Christina Refford | Best Apps, Educational Apps
When it comes to teaching my kids history, I’ll use anything I can get my hands on, from Crash Course and Brain Pop videos, to cool apps like History Here that help us learn the history of places we visit. And now I’ve found a lighthearted yet smart app...
by Liz Gumbinner | Causes and Giving Back
It was really amazing yesterday to see how the 50th anniversary of the 50-mile civil rights march from Selma to Montgomery was honored through social media. What struck me most of all was the Twitter feed of Georgia Congressman John Lewis, who was there that day, as...
by Kate Etue | Best Apps, Educational Apps
As much as I’d love to take a trip to Europe with my kids and let them ride bikes through Holland to see the windmills and tulips, it’s just not in the budget this year. But I can still let them learn about Dutch culture through the beautifully illustrated...