Wearing your baby (or dinner or BFF) on your sleeve.
As a mom, my sleeves usually feature cat hair, random splotches of ketchup, and drool. That's one reason I'm so excited about summer and bare-arm season. But we found a cute new way to wear pretty much anything you want on your sleeve--or cardigan, or laptop bag, or...
Amazon Cloud Player: Listen to music from anywhere
With kids around, you can bet I'm extra nervous about keeping my precious files, documents, photos and music on my computer and portable gadgets, so I've been making it a point to upload everything to the cloud for a little extra security. But instead of having photos...
Go Go Gadget!
Wouldn't it be great to have some Inspector Gadget powers? With extendable arms, you could catch kids about to fall off the slide, or grab snacks from across the kitchen when you're collapsed on the couch. You could fly over traffic when you were late to soccer...
Spring cleaning your tech: 5 tips for organizing photos
I consider myself to be a fairly organized person, but I admit to pushing photo organization to the very bottom of my list. That means I've got a zillion photos on my DSLR and smartphone, and the rest are scattered about my computer in oddly named files that seemed...
Laptop backpack recommendations? Reader Q&A
Do you have any ideas for a nice looking backpack purse? (I'm on crutches for the next month or so--great excuse for another purse, right?) Need something large enough to fit the laptop in, but also versatile enough to throw in a diaper or two for the plane trip....
Gorgeous baby announcements right from your smart phone
The joke around our house is that by the time we actually get around to sending paper baby announcements, we might as well just make them first birthday party invitations and kill two birds with one stone. Or card. Too bad I didn't have this amazing iPhone app which...
Bringing spring to your desktop wallpapers
Now that it's getting to where can crack our window to let in some fresh air without freezing us all out, I am in full scale spring cleaning/redecorating mode. Even my old MacBook is feeling a little dowdy these days--which only has a little something to do with the...
Syncing calendars with Blackberry – Reader Q&A
I was wondering if Cool Mom Tech has a recommendation for an online calendar system to keep up with everyone's busy schedules in my family? I need something that syncs with my Blackberry, as well as Outlook or Yahoo, and preferably free! -PI We're firm believers in...
Oh Appy Day! featuring Laurie Berkner
We're beyond excited to launch Oh Appy Day!, a brand new feature here on Cool Mom Tech that will give you the scoop on the coolest apps from some of the coolest people anywhere. First up is one of our favorite kid's music artists (and really, one of everyone's...
Cranes for Kids: Messages of hope for Japanese children from our own
We have all been riveted by the aftermath of the Japan earthquake and tsunami, and struggled with how to discuss it with our children. And yet, from the greatest of adversity, also comes the promise of hope. And there is nothing more touching than when that hope is...
Internet-inspired pillows for your inner geek
If I ever have a few minutes to flit around on the Internet and do some surfing (who am I kidding, shopping), I always hit Etsy and troll through the millions of creative products I know I'd never be able to come up with myself. I especially love the "Geekery" section...
The Eric Carle app: Your children’s very first books become their Very First app.
My gadgets overflow with cool apps for my older kids, but when it comes to my toddler, it's tough to find ones that are engaging and educational, but not overstimulating. So leave it to the talented folks at Night & Day Studios (makers of the smart Kindermusik app...
Tech Tips & Tricks to Make Life (Way) Easier
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Even More Coolness. Enjoy!
Dads Dig This: Amplitube
We're so thrilled to welcome Lucky Diaz, one of our fave kindie rock artists, as our guest Dads Dig This blogger. He's the father of a beautiful 7 year old daughter and lives in Los Angeles. Like most dads, I usually spend post-bedtime evenings decompressing on the...
Android plays catch up with its app market on Amazon
If you're an Android user, you can do a happy dance today because our prayers have been answered--Amazon just launched a brand new marketplace just for Android apps. No more iTunes envy! Or, sort of. The Amazon Appstore for Android is a dedicated online resource for...
Nintendo 3DS: Effects that jump out at you, hold the glasses
As with most families with pre-teens these days, we've got those moments when I need something new and cool to keep my boys entertained: that very important phone call, the long wait in the doctor's office, the never-ending road trip. You know, those times when,...
3 ways to update your laptop bag for spring
Do you change your laptop bag with the change of seasons? I happen to tote my MacBook everywhere, which means I'm increasingly less satisfied with the big, black, clunky case I've been living with all winter. Especially now that spring is here and a girls' mind turns...
R2D2 transports your precious data. Well, him or Hello Kitty.
There are a quite a few phrases I never thought I'd utter in my lifetime. "Please don't put that in your sister's underwear" and "I'm unfollowing Charlie Sheen" top the list this week. Another to add to the list: "Designer flash drive." And yet that's just what's...
Dragon Dictation: Do as I say, and as I do
Ever get the feeling that you're not being heard? If you have children, you know what I'm talking about. Well if your kid isn't going to listen, at least you can rely on your faithful computer to do as you say. At least if you've got the truly miraculous Dragon...
The British are coming! And they’re here for your children.
Today there are tons of toddler apps that not only keep kids entertained, but also teach basic concepts like, colors, shapes and counting in ways that are a lot more engaging than my method of repeating over and over: Green ball. Three Cheerios. Hey, that's how we...
Unraveling the new New York Times online subscription fees
If you've been anywhere online in the last 24 hours, you've probably heard that the New York Times is going to begin charging a fee as of March 28. Interesting--thought not necessarily bad--news for those of us who rely on the Paper of Record for everything from...
3 reasons why I love my iPad
When I brought home the first generation iPad, I admit that I actually knew very little about its capabilities. But as a co-founder of a tech site being bombarded day after day with new iPad apps, I knew that I needed to take the plunge for work's sake. (Ahem.) Since...
Kindermusik Radio: Like Pandora for kids
Back in the day, if you wanted to sing silly kids songs while banging a tom-tom and moving to the rhythm you had to sign up for an expensive kid's music program. Today, well, you still have to do that. But in the age of apps like Pandora and Slacker radio, there's...
Cool Mom Tech loves BH+G!
We were so excited to open the April issue of Better Homes + Gardens and see..hey! It's us! Check out the latest issue on the stands and find our Editor-in-Chief Liz Gumbinner and Chief Technologist Beth Blecherman in the Get Smart article by Dory Devlin,...
Angry Birds get lucky for St. Patrick’s Day. Or really, we do.
It's St. Patrick's Day and we couldn't resist passing along the special holiday-themed edition of our favorite time waster--er, app--Angry Birds. Here, our way too familiar friends go green and get lucky with this special St. Patty's Day version. The object of the...