4 cool Google tricks you might not know

4 cool Google tricks you might not know

I'm a card-carrying member of the Google frequent searchers club, whether it's odd cold symptoms or Ryan Reynolds photos. (Heh.). But little did I know that Google can do a whole lot more than just random searches. Here are four cool Google tricks that can be huge...

Ask Dragon Go! and you shall receive

Ask Dragon Go! and you shall receive

I was definitely intrigued by the Dragon Dictation voice recognition software that we recently featured, so when I heard that they launched an app, you can bet I had to give it a try. And wow, this free app is nothing short of awesome, especially for busy parents....

Dads Dig This – Zoom H2

Dads Dig This – Zoom H2

We're thrilled to welcome Jeff Bogle as our Dads Dig This guest blogger. He's a father of two girls and the author of the popular kid's media and culture website Out With The Kids. Between my Flip video cameras, iPhones, iPads, laptops, and "old fashion" digital...

3 gadgets for getting in shape

3 gadgets for getting in shape

When I started running two years ago, it was to help me lose the last 10 pounds of my baby weight. But like many mother runners out there, I found myself actually enjoying it - finding solace, peace, and a smaller butt along the way. While all you really need are a...

DIY iPhone cases meet needlepoint awesomeness

DIY iPhone cases meet needlepoint awesomeness

I joke around that I don't have a crafty bone in my body when, really, I just don't seem to have the time to spend on being crafty anymore. But this awesome tech-craft mashup is enough to make me give up another hour of sleep. The Connect Design DIY iPhone 4 cases...

HeyTell turns smart phones into walkie talkies

HeyTell turns smart phones into walkie talkies

As savvy as my husband is with his smart phone, he's a bit challenged in the texting department. (It's true, honey.) But now that we've both got this handy new app installed, we can exchange free voice messages instantly--no fancy thumb work required. HeyTell is a...

Tech Tips & Tricks to Make Life (Way) Easier

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Even More Coolness. Enjoy!

Pillows that give your couch a geeky reboot

Pillows that give your couch a geeky reboot

I've been on the lookout for some fun pillows for adorning my couches for when I have actual real life adult guests over. So as a self-proclaimed geek and newly converted Mac girl, these pillows immediately caught my eye. The I'm a Mac three pillow set from...

Good alternatives to a more expensive Netflix

Good alternatives to a more expensive Netflix

Now that Netflix has gone and raised their rates by 60% (oh joy!), I'm going to venture a guess that some of you are now open to other movie streaming and download alternatives. Which makes this a good opportunity to point you to some of our past posts that just might...

Spotify is here!

Spotify is here!

When I heard about the launch of Spotify in the US today, I wasn't sure it was for me; I'm pretty comfortable with all things tech, though I'm still admittedly old school when it comes to my music I prefer CD's to MP3's, and haven't jumped on the streaming-audio...

Designer desktops that deliver inspiration

Designer desktops that deliver inspiration

Back in 2010 the talented Jaime Derringer of the super design blog Design Milk began an open ended project. Acknowledging how much time we all spend staring at our computer screens (like you are doing right now), Jaime took it upon herself to offer us all a little...

Yo Gabba Gabba takes over your smart phone

Yo Gabba Gabba takes over your smart phone

It's no secret that we love Yo Gabba Gabba as much as (if not slightly more than) our kids. One quick search on Cool Mom Picks will result in a slew of YGG inspired toys, shoes, yes, even finger puppets. So it's only natural that we'd be unreasonably excited to find...

Crayola goes high tech with ColorStudio HD

Crayola goes high tech with ColorStudio HD

One of my kids' favorite things to do with the iPad is draw. Actually, one of their favorite things to do anywhere is draw. So I am always looking for fun coloring apps that can keep the artistry flowing, and that I find easier to justify than video games. And now,...

4 cool HTC smartphones for Android fans

4 cool HTC smartphones for Android fans

I have a 2 year old smartphone. That's easily middle age in phone years and with the contract ending in August I've starting the research for my next phone adventure. While the logical first step in a mom's smartphone comparison is the upcoming iPhone 5, I'm leaning...

Cover your e-reader in the classics

Cover your e-reader in the classics

If there's anything to miss about real, live books when you're using your e-reader, it's the flip of the pages, the weight of the hardcover book in your hands, and the cool covers. So while I haven't yet found anything to help with the first two, I've definitely more...

Postcardly turns emails into actual postcards.

Postcardly turns emails into actual postcards.

My kids have wonderful grandparents in Florida, but they have one major flaw: None of them will make my life easier by joining Facebook or even using email to communicate. That means I have to make sure to send hand-written letters and take the time to actually print...

5 picks you might have missed this week

5 picks you might have missed this week

Here are five picks you might have missed from last week. 1. Google+ is poised to take over the social media world. Here are five reasons you might want to hop onboard the G+ train. 2. We're totally smitten with this free app for iPad that customizes your interests...