Spring clean your inbox with this easy trick

Good headphones for a 3 year old? Reader Q+A

Good headphones for a 3 year old? Reader Q+A

I am having trouble finding earphones for my 3 1/2 year old to use while traveling. We have a volume limiting set but they don't seem to stay on well and he complains that they hurt. Do you have other children's headphone ideas? -Meg Hi Meg, I had the same issue last...

Freshen up your computer wallpaper for spring

Freshen up your computer wallpaper for spring

Along with some early spring cleaning, I've decided to beautify my desk a wee bit with a fresh new look for my laptop. The wallpaper I've chosen is definitely for the birds. And that's a very cool thing. Created by the Philadelphia illustrator, Eleanor Grosch,...

Tech Tips & Tricks to Make Life (Way) Easier

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Even More Coolness. Enjoy!

Instamatch: Play memory with your Instagram photos

Instamatch: Play memory with your Instagram photos

I have no qualms about professing my love for the Instagram app, which is probably one of my favorite ways to capture images of my kids on the go. So when I heard about a new app that lets you play memory with your Instagram images, I had to take a peek. You don't...

No Picnik? No problem! PicMonkey is here!

No Picnik? No problem! PicMonkey is here!

Many of you photo-clicking moms like me may be starting to panic just a little with the closing of Picnik next month. But along with the other Picnik alternatives we shared a couple of months, we've found another awesome solution and in our opinion, it's even better...

iFilm lets you star in your own videos, for once

iFilm lets you star in your own videos, for once

Out of sheer convenience, my iPhone has become my de facto camera and video camera to record all those precious kid moments. But in looking through my thousands of photos and videos in my library, I realize that I'm actually in about three pictures and in no videos....

Take charge!

Take charge!

While our tech is getting smaller (brick phones of 1992, anyone?) it seems like my handbag isn't. I'm now carrying around chargers, wires, converters...gah. I've learned that my best bet is to keep it all organized instead of just tossing it "in there somewhere"...

4 ways to get your daily dose of cool tech

4 ways to get your daily dose of cool tech

Never miss a day of Cool Mom Tech! Here's how:1. Like us on Facebook2. Follow us on Twitter3. Subscribe to our RSS feed4. Now, follow us on Pinterest*Bonus! Become an email subscriber. It's not daily, but you're welcome to read our newsletter every day, if it makes...