3 ways to get kids books on the iPad
We're gearing up for our annual family vacation, and instead of loading down our bag with bunch of books for the plane ride and bedtime, I've been loading them up electronically on my iPad. But with so many different options out there, I decided to give the three most...
Brain Pop Jr answers kids’ questions better than we can
Though I've been homeschooling for five years, make no mistake: I am no great educator. I'm just good at finding help for subjects in which I'm a little rusty, like...all of them. Hey, it's been a long time since I sat behind a classroom desk. The trick to getting my...
Got your inbox down to 0? That deserves a badge.
If you like to let your nerd flag fly proudly (says the girl with a Hello Kitty Boba Fett on her car), then you're going to love these LOLrific Nerd Merit Badges we just found. Bonus? You don't have to sell any cookies or build a fire in the rain to get one. Nerd...
Piquing Our Geek: Refrigerators without the HFC
We're all for greening up our homes and lives wherever we can, and sometimes that comes from the manufacturers, who give us better options in the first place. We read this week that General Electric plans to introduce the first HFC-free refrigerator for US households...
Make those midnight new year calls with Skype. On your cell phone. In full video.
For so many of us, it's a tradition to pick up the phone at midnight on New Year's--okay, maybe 12:03 after we've done our kissing a those with us in person and made fun of Snooki--and wish our loved ones a happy New Year. Obviously Skype has revolutionized what it...
The best Beatles songs for kids
While there are some awesome kindie rock bands out there that we've featured both here and on Cool Mom Picks, there are plenty of awesome "adult" tunes out there that work just as well for our kids. Now that the Beatles are on iTunes (whoo!), I've pulled together...
Readeez, now for your mobile viewing pleasure
If you're not familiar with Readeez, and you have a child who's starting to read, then you're in for a treat. This series of adorably-designed videos are paired with songs, poems and written words to help kids associate letters with their accompanying sounds. And...
Best Buy Wish List Video – Post Holiday Shopping Tips
If you were lucky enough to score a Best Buy gift card from Santa, or just want to get a jump start on your New Year's resolutions, our co-founder Kristen, along with a Best Buy Geek Squad agent, can help you out. Check out this video in which she reveals all the...
The Dell Inspiron duo is a tablet! It’s a netbook! It’s a tablet!
With the holiday shopping rush now over, some of you lucky enough to be on Santa's nice list may be looking to buy some new technology with those new gift cards, or take advantage of the big after-Christmas sales. For you tablet coveters, one of the most exciting new...
Best Buy Wish List: Computers. Pretty, pretty computers.
Best Buy Wish List is a sponsored series in which we feature the things we're coveting at Best Buy--and then give away gift cards so you can buy them yourself. Whee!Computers are pretty important gadgets to us bloggers. Imagine that. It's a sickness really--our...
With a corncob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of LED-backlit pixels
If you woke up to snowmageddon this morning like we did (or more like a typical winter snowfall with a new 24 hour news cycle-friendly, alarmist name), your kids are probably begging you to get out there with them as soon as humanly possible. If they haven't...
Reduce, reuse, resell your old cell phones with ReCellular
I have always been a gadget girl. When I got my Motorola Razr more than a decade ago, the "it" phone of the early 2000s mind you, I thought I was pretty hot stuff. But as with everything else, technology advances, and the once cutting-edge Razr is now the cell phone...
Tech Tips & Tricks to Make Life (Way) Easier
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Even More Coolness. Enjoy!
Cool new cases for your cool new iPad and iPhone
If the holidays were super-good to you and you're a proud new owner of an iPad or iPhone, chances are that you're probably looking for a sleek new case to protect your sacred new tech toy. Well look no further--we've found a few gorgeous ones, and the brand just may...
Merry Christmas to you!
From Liz, Kristen, Beth, Christina, and everyone at Cool Mom Tech, we wish you a peaceful, happy, wonderful day, filled with good family, good food, and hopefully not too many plastic clamshell packs to have to pry open. And thanks to all of you for helping to make...
Board games go 2.0 with Winter Land
Before the kids go to bed and Santa's elves get busy wrapping gifts, we spend Christmas Eve drinking egg nog, playing games, and watching movies with the kids. But now that we have the iPad, we'll probably add a round or two of a digital board game into the mix. The...
Best Buy Wish List: Home Theater, yeah!
Best Buy Wish List is a sponsored series in which we feature the things we're coveting at Best Buy--and then give away gift cards so you can buy them yourself. Whee!With six kids between us, our movie theater is our home television. And really, with all the...
Piquing Our Geek: Custom Headphones for Lyric Freaks
I know people that I can describe as a man or woman of their word, but that's being taken to a whole new level when words become a style of personalization for gadgets. A pair of The Street Headphones are a holy, major, unabashed splurge at $1,100, but what...
Best Buy Wish List Video – Last Minute Shopping Tips
Here's the next fun installment as part of our Best Buy Wish List video series featuring our co-founder Kristen. This time she's getting a few last minute shopping tips from a friendly Blue Shirt who's got the inside scoop on things like the last possible moment you...
Turn the teaching around and get your parents up-to-speed
In addition to being a mom, wife, career woman, sister, daughter, and more lately, I've found myself serving as tech support for the litany of tech-related questions my parents have been asking me. Of all the mini projects I've helped them out with, I think setting up...
Best Buy Wish List: Mobile Accessories
Best Buy Wish List is a sponsored series in which we feature the things we're coveting at Best Buy--and then give away gift cards so you can buy them yourself. Whee!Of course one of the big holiday gifts these days is a smart phone, especially with all the cool...
No glove, no love
It's freezing outside, and you want to use your Smartphone to tweet about how incredibly freezing it is outside, but to do that you'd need to remove your warm gloves. Drat. If only there were a way to keep your hands warm and use a touch screen device. Ta da!! Check...
Would you pay to cheat on Angry Birds?
I admit that I've been completely sucked into the Angry Birds craze, as has my entire family. So much s, that my kids know exactly what level we're stuck on.Level 16 on Angry Birds Seasons, if you're curious. So I have to admit that my interest was piqued when I...
Dads Dig This – BeSpeak iPhone app
Our next Dads Dig This guest blogger is David Wescott, a Durham, NC-based dad who writes about public relations, science communication, and politics at It's Not a Lecture. I admit that most of the time you can find me in worn jeans and something with a Red Sox...
And a very BetaMaXmas to you too
There was once a magical time. A time when children waited in breathless anticipation for their favorite Christmas Special to play on TV. There was no DVR or Video On Demand; no rewinding or fast-forwarding; no YouTube; no bathroom breaks. You had only one shot to...